On October 29th, 2014, despite overwhelming public opposition, the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners voted 5 to 2 to approve the Minto West expansion. These votes were taken with absolute disregard to the incompatibility of the project with our communities and our quality of life, and despite the inconsistencies with State law and the PBC Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as well as in defiance of the vast opposition of residents, outlying communities and government entities.
We are disappointed, but we are not deterred! We ask that you continue to stand with us as we proceed with filing the necessary legal challenges to protect our community.
ALERTS of PBC Inc. has filed two legal challenges to the Minto West project, on November 26th and December 3rd, 2014.
For a press release with more details, click here.
For a press release with more details, click here.
A group has been formed as a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation for the purpose of preserving our quality of life and opposing over-development.
For more information click here: Alerts of PBC Inc.
Minto claims they will provide water resources benefits to the area. Read this letter by the Acreage District Engineer, refuting these claims. It has been sent to the BCC and County Planning and Zoning staff.
Our video has been updated !! Relax and enjoy our portrayal of life in the Acreage, and why it needs to be protected !!
1000 Friends of Florida is a statewide nonprofit organization founded in 1986 to help build better communities and save special places. 1000 Friends has joined the opposition to Minto West. Here are two pages from their website:
The county has not done any study on the economic value of this project, which will likely increase the burden on taxpayers. Here are some calculations about how much this project will cost county taxpayers:
Given the apparent pro-development stance of the majority of the Palm Beach Board of County Commissioners, the complex nature of applicable statutes, codes, and regulations, and in anticipation of our fight moving to the Courts on behalf of residents, ALERTS is pleased to announce that it has retained the legal services of attorney Ralf Brookes.
Mr. Brookes is
Florida Bar certified in city, county, and local government and has an
extensive background, expertise, and experience in researching and
litigating land use, zoning, and local government issues related to
development projects. He can represent our residents at Commission
meetings and effectively prepare and represent us in the legal arena. If
you have any questions and/or comments please direct those to ALERTS to
avoid incurring unnecessary legal fees.
As you are aware, ALERTS (Acreage Loxahatchee Engaged Residents Taking a Stand) of PBC, Inc., was founded for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the Acreage, Loxahatchee, and Loxahatchee Groves residents. ALERTS strives to preserve and protect our unique rural atmosphere and way of life, now and into the future, from overdevelopment.
Our ability to retain Mr. Brookes was possible only through the donations we have received thus far. Our battle is far from over and we need your continued support. No donation is too small and every donation is very much needed and appreciated. Please visit www.alertsofpbc.com to see how you can donate and help protect and preserve our communities.
As you are aware, ALERTS (Acreage Loxahatchee Engaged Residents Taking a Stand) of PBC, Inc., was founded for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the Acreage, Loxahatchee, and Loxahatchee Groves residents. ALERTS strives to preserve and protect our unique rural atmosphere and way of life, now and into the future, from overdevelopment.
Our ability to retain Mr. Brookes was possible only through the donations we have received thus far. Our battle is far from over and we need your continued support. No donation is too small and every donation is very much needed and appreciated. Please visit www.alertsofpbc.com to see how you can donate and help protect and preserve our communities.
Please consider a donation to the group Donate to Alerts of PBC Inc.
The funds will be used for hiring the necessary experts, which will include attorneys, land use planners, and traffic consultants, as well as other incidental expenditures.
Please enjoy this video, produced and filmed in the Acreage/Loxahatchee. It includes residents speaking about why they oppose Minto's over-development plans.
Please "sign" our petition to support Indian Trail's actions to block Minto traffic from our resident-owned roads.
Please be advised that the Palm Beach County Informational Meeting regarding Minto West has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 8th at 6:30 PM at the Seminole Ridge Community High School Auditorium, 4601 Seminole Pratt Whitney Road Loxahatchee, FL. The purpose of the meeting is to provide information regarding the applications and to explain the amendment and zoning process.
Here are two recent resolutions opposing Minto, which have been sent to the PBC Board of County Commissioners. CityWatch is a voter group of about 40,000 residents.
The next "public" meeting on the Minto West project will be on June
25, 2014 @ 2:00 p.m. Planning, Zoning & Building Dept. 1st Floor,
Room 1W-47, 2300 N. Jog Road, WPB, FL before "LDRAB", or the Land
Development Regulation Advisory Board. As is the Planning Commission,
LDRAB is an "advisory board" who only makes a recommendation to the
Board of County Commissioners.
This particular 6/25 Meeting is on Minto's request to amend the ULDC or Unified Land Development Code. Yes, it
is unusual to request to amend the Code before a Land Use Amendment
Application has been approved, but as mentioned before, Minto is engaged
in three processes all at the same time, i.e. land use amendment, code
amendment, and zoning. This
is not identified as a "critical" meeting; however, all meetings on
this project are extremely important and we encourage all residents to
attend and participate if able.
Based on the County's current schedule, all three of these decisions
will happen in one huge public hearing on October 29 (with October 30
being held in case in carries over to 2 days). The order is Land Use
Amendment, then ULDC, and then Zoning. Despite that order, the LDRAB
advisory board meeting on ULDC is being heard, as mentioned above, on
June 25 @ 2 p.m.
Click here to review the proposed ULDC changes
being requested by Minto. All underlined in red is new language, all
strike through in red is language being deleted. This is complicated,
but it is a start to looking at what Minto is intending if they
ultimately receive the land use amendment they are seeking. You will
see they are seeking substantial changes in code.
Here are several links to information and news about the recent Indian Trail and BCC meetings:
- Video - Indian Trail meeting with legal presentation about Minto- May 14, 2014
- Presentation at ITID about Minto - May 14, 2014
- Town Crier article about ITID meeting - May 16, 2014
- Video - Board of County Commissioners April 28, morning
- Video - Board of County Commissioners, April 28, afternoon
Click here:
for the latest news
Scroll down to start at beginning and work your way up.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (Margaret Mead, winner, Presidential Medal of Freedom)
For a quick summary of what is happening with Minto West,"It's a David and Goliath situation, and we know how that story ended." (Jean Edwards, Acreage resident)
Click HERE for our FAQ. (Frequently Asked Questions)
The next Board of County Commissioners meeting is on Monday April 28th, at 301 North Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, 6th floor (Governmental Center), at 9:30am.
This meeting is on "text
initiation", which is the exact same issue heard on 4/11 by the Planning
Commission, only this time, the BCC (Board of County Commissioners)
make the "real decision".
This is not a "critical" meeting; however, in light of the 4/11 meeting, it has taken on a more important role. If you can attend the meeting, it would again show a united front by our community!
For those of you who are unable to attend, would you
please consider sending an email (mention Minto West in your subject
line) but this time to the Board of County Commissioners. Some things you might want to mention:
Remind them that their advisory board, appointed by them, i.e. the PBC
Planning Commission on April 11, 2014, by a unanimous 11 to 0 vote,
recommended NOT to initiate.
2. That the text initiation be
denied as inconsistent with State law, our PBC Comprehensive Land Use
Plan, and incompatible with the surrounding area.
3. This property already used up it's allowance of a 'unique' process under Agricultural Enclave.
4. Request that future meetings concerning the Minto West project be
held in the late afternoon/evening hours at the Vista Center, or in much
larger venue where all can attend and be heard.
These are the
names, phone numbers and email address of the BCC. First I list them
individually and at the bottom, I just group all of the email addresses
together so you can cut and paste them into an email.
Steve Abrams - sabrams@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2204
Priscilla Taylor - ptaylor@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2207
Shelley Vana - svana@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2203
Paulette Burdick - pburdick@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2202
Jess Santamaria - JSantama@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-6300
Mary Lou Berger - MBerger@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2205
Hal Valeche - hvaleche@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2201
Priscilla Taylor - ptaylor@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2207
Shelley Vana - svana@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2203
Paulette Burdick - pburdick@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2202
Jess Santamaria - JSantama@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-6300
Mary Lou Berger - MBerger@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2205
Hal Valeche - hvaleche@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2201
sabrams@pbcgov.org, ptaylor@pbcgov.org, svana@pbcgov.org,
pburdick@pbcgov.org, JSantama@pbcgov.org, MBerger@pbcgov.org,
April 11, 2014
A UNANIMOUS VOTE (11-0) by the Palm Beach County Planning Commission to DENY Minto's private text amendment to revise the Agricultural Enclave provisions in the Future Land Use Element of the County's Comprehensive Plan. County staff had recommended approval. This is a stepping stone in our fight against the Minto over-development, but the "fight is far from over."
The news made the front page of the Palm Beach Post on April 12th.
(photos from Palm Beach Post)
On April 11, 2014, at 9:00 a.m., the Minto West Application for Land Use Amendment is scheduled to be heard on "text initiation", before the PBC Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is an "advisory" board to the Board of County Commissioners, and the members of the advisory board are in fact appointed by the County Commissioners. The meeting will be held at the Vista Center, Planning, Zoning & Building Dept. 1st Floor, Room 1W-47, 2300 N. Jog Road, WPB, FL (Jog Road just north of Okeechobee Boulevard.)
This is not one of the critical hearings; however, if you can attend this meeting, we hope that you will put it on your calendar, and show up in objection to initiation. For those of you who are unable to attend the Planning Commission meeting next Friday, April 11, would you please consider sending an email (mention Minto West in your subject line) to the Members of the Planning Commission asking:
- That the text initiation be denied as inconsistent with State law, our PBC Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and incompatible with the surrounding area.
- That future meetings concerning the Minto West project be held in the late afternoon/evening hours at the Vista Center.
There are the names and email address of the members of the Planning Commission. First they are listed individually and at the bottom, grouped all together so you can cut and paste them into an email.
Katharine Murray - kmurray@eq-inc.com
Judy Daversa - judydaversa@hotmail.com
Barbara Alterman - balterman56@hotmail.com
George Humphries - gpwpb@bellsouth.net
Roberta Levitt-Moccia - rrbbfl@bellsouth.net
Sandra Greenberg - sandy9633@live.com
Armand Grossman - ag16100@aol.com
Jose Aguila - jose@csa-architects.com
Lori Vinikoor - vinikoor@bellsouth.net
Harvey Arnold - nohanash@aol.com
Dennis Lipp - d_lipp@comcast.net
Sam Shannon - sam.shannon@comcast.net
Angella Van - ajvann@yahoo.com
Thomas Dennis - priorityoneconstruction@gmail.com
James Brake - jamesmbinc@aol.com
kmurray@eq-inc.com, judydaversa@hotmail.com, balterman56@hotmail.com, gpwpb@bellsouth.net, rrbbfl@bellsouth.net, sandy9633@live.com, ag16100@aol.com, jose@csa-architects.com, vinikoor@bellsouth.net, nohanash@aol.com, d_lipp@comcast.net, sam.shannon@comcast.net, ajvann@yahoo.com, priorityoneconstruction@gmail.com, jamesmbinc@aol.com
Email from the County on April 4, 2014:
This email is being sent as a courtesy notice to those who have expressed an interest in the site known as Minto West.
Please be advised that an upcoming meeting related to Minto West's request for a private Text Initiation will be heard by the Planning Commission on Friday, April 11, 2014, 9:00 a.m., Planning, Zoning and Building Department, 1st Floor, Room 1W-47, 2300 North Jog Road, West Palm Beach, FL. Please be aware that this is not a review or consideration of the proposed development and Comprehensive Plan FLUA amendment. The Planning Commission will only be providing a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners on whether or not to initiate a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The subsequent public hearings on the Comprehensive Plan FLUA amendment will be heard by the Planning Commission on May 23rd and by the Board of County Commissioners for Transmittal on June 9th.
The agenda and staff report for this meeting can be found at: http://www.pbcgov.com/pzb/Planning/luab/index.htm
In addition, the following meetings and public hearings will be taking place in the next few months: Board of County Commissioners Text Initiation Palm Beach County Informational Meeting Planning Commission FLUA and Text Public Hearing Board of County Commissioners Transmittal FLUA and Text Public Hearing Board of County Commissioners Adoption FLUA and Text Public Hearing.
For the most up-to-date information on the dates, times and locations of these meetings, please see the County's Minto West web page: http://www.pbcgov.com/pzb/minto/index.htm
If you have any questions, please contact myself or
project manager Bryan Davis (561-233-5308)
Stephanie Gregory
Palm Beach County Planning Division
2300 N Jog Road, 2nd Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33411
(561) 233-5388 Direct Line
The most important are marked in red
County Meetings: (click HERE for complete schedule )
Please be advised that the schedule for public hearings related to Minto West's request for a Future Land Use Atlas (FLUA) and Text Amendment has been updated as follows:
Please be advised that the schedule for public hearings related to Minto West's request for a Future Land Use Atlas (FLUA) and Text Amendment has been updated as follows:
- Planning Commission Text Initiation - Friday, April 11, 2014, 9:00 a.m., Planning, Zoning and Building Department, 1st Floor, Room 1W-47, 2300 North Jog Road, West Palm Beach, FL
- Board of County Commissioners Text Initiation - Monday, April 28, 2014, Time Certain TBD, 6th Floor Chambers, 301 North Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL
- Planning Commission FLUA and Text Public Hearing - Friday, May 23, 2014, 9:00 a.m., Planning, Zoning and Building Department, 1st Floor, Room 1W-47, 2300 North Jog Road, West Palm Beach, FL
- Board of County Commissioners Transmittal FLUA and Text Public Hearing - Monday, June 9, 2014, 9:30 a.m., 6th Floor Chambers, 301 North Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL
- Board of County Commissioners - 1st reading of ULDC amendments
July 24th, 9:30am. 6th Floor Chambers, 301 North Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL - Board of County Commissioners Adoption FLUA and Text Public Hearing - Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 9:30 a.m., 6th Floor Chambers, 301 North Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL
- A show of public pressure will make a BIG difference!
- Members of the public will be permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes
- Sign and send petition (family members and neighbors too!). See documents page.
- Attend important meetings (marked above)
- Contact the County Commissioners and express your opinion (email addresses and phone numbers are below).
- Tell your neighbors and other residents.
- Check this website regularly for news and updates.
- Contact loxalerts@yahoo.com if you have special questions or want to help more.
- Those interested in acquiring "No To Minto" banners, car magnets, or car screens can contact Teresa at 561-596-3985.
March 17, 2014
More great media coverage today, thanks to our friends at WPTV (NBC ch.5) and WFLX (Fox 29). A quote from the segment: "It's a David and Goliath situation, and we know how that story ended."
- FOX 29 article
- FOX 29 (WFLX) video
- Channel 5 - (WPTV-NBC) - Video and article
- Letter to the Editor - Preserve Our Unique Lifestyle
- Letter to the Editor - Don't Approve Minto West
March 16, 2014
Excellent Palm Beach Post article by Kimberly Miller. (coming soon...)
March 15, 2014
"Roadside Rally" on Seminole Pratt/Northlake. This is the lifestyle we are trying to preserve !
March 10, 2014
The Acreage Landowners' Association voted unanimously to send a Resolution to the Board of County Commissioners, stating that the ALA opposes the proposed Minto West “Agricultural
Enclave” application for land use amendment.
March 7, 2014
Another awesome "Roadside Rally" on SR-7 today. TV crews from channel 12 and channel 25 came to film video segments, as well as two journalists from the Palm Beach Post, who wrote an article and filmed a video segment.
![]() |
Channel 25 video interview |
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Great way to show a banner ! |
- Palm Beach Post - video segment
- Channel 25 - video segment
- Channel 12 - video segment
- Palm Beach Post article, March 9, 2014 (click to enlarge)
"Roadside Rally" on SR-7 extension (just south of Orange Grove). Twenty-one volunteers collected a record number of petitions, breaking our previous record by 40% !! Thank you to all residents who stopped to get information and sign petitions !!
February 2014
February 22, 2014
"Roadside Rally" in front of the WinnDixie plaza on Seminole Pratt road. Building on the momentum from the Town Hall meeting, we collected a record number of Roadside Rally petitions.

February 19, 2014
The "ALA Town Hall Meeting about Development" was a huge success. It was held at the Seminole Ridge High School auditorium. The event included a 30 minute presentation and about 2 hours of residents speaking and asking questions at the microphones. Not a single resident spoke in favor of the Minto application. The ballot question was whether to support Minto's application to increase the residential units and commercial areas. These are the preliminary results. The total number of votes cast was 650.
ALA members 85 16 84.2% against increase
Community members 498 51 90.7% against increase
Here is a link to the video of the entire event:
Town Crier - article about Town Hall meeting:
New Times - article about Town Hall meeting:
Town Crier - letter to the editor from a local realtor opposing Minto:
PB Post -ALA request for County Commissioners to hold Minto meetings at night:
February 15, 2014
Volunteers are placing 4x8 ft. banners on the private property of residents throughout the community to raise awareness. Many residents have requested these. If you would like a banner for your property, please email loxalerts@yahoo.com. Demand is very strong and we are making a second group order now.
January 2014
January 31, 2014
Minto updated their website, which states that they have been approved for building 2996 homes, but fails to mention that their current application is for 6500 homes !! http://mintowest.com/ Isn't that misleading ? Why are they not being open and clearly stating what they are planning ??
January 31, 2014
Palm Beach County published the updated planning and zoning application for Minto West, as well as meeting calendar, at this link: http://www.pbcgov.com/pzb/minto/index.htm
January 27, 2014
Minto Public Information Meeting was held from 5pm-7pm at the Indian Trail office in the Acreage. Attendance was strong, every seat was taken, and some had to stand. Minto presented for the first hour, and the public asked questions during the second hour. You can watch the complete meeting video at this link:
January 26, 2014
TV Channel 12 segment about "No To Minto" and opposition to Minto West.
January 16, 2014
This is a sample of what was posted on a local blog site. We're getting the message out, and once people are provided with the facts, the OVERWHELMING response is: No To Minto !!
January 8, 2014
Uploaded the traffic study for Minto West and Avenir (see "Documents" page). It is a study prepared by the developers (not the County), and submitted to PB County Planning staff. The Minto study projects 70,273 new daily trips through the Acreage. This is equivalent to one car per second, for 19 hours each day. It also discusses the need to widen eleven local roads to carry the new traffic, some up to 6, 8, and even 10 lanes wide. The Minto study assumes Avenir does not exist, and vice versa. If both developments are built, both traffic studies will have to be redone, and the increase in traffic will be almost unimaginable.
January 7, 2014
At 6:30 p.m., Commissioner Paulette Burdick held a meeting with Palm Beach Beach Planning Staff, at the Vista Center, 2300 N. Jog Road, West Palm Beach. This meeting was open to the public, and the topic of discussion was "land-use issues that will determine the future of communities such as The Acreage, Loxahatchee Groves and Deer Run."
See the PB Post article here:
Palm Beach Post article
December 2013
December 26, 2013
Below is the most recent update from Palm Beach County sent on December 18, 2013. Please note that the dates listed in the update are for a Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners “text initiation” hearing. These are not the hearings at which a decision will be made on the application filed by Minto.
There will be two “public hearings” at which the actual
application will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners. These hearing dates have not yet been set,
but they are a “transmittal hearing” and then several months later an “adoption
hearing”. These two meetings will be the
critical meetings where the attendance of all will be necessary.
Prior to the “transmittal hearing”, the matter will also be
heard by the Palm Beach County Planning Commission. This hearing date has also not yet been
set. The Planning Commission is an
“advisory board” and they will be voting on their recommendation to the Board
of County Commissioners. This is an
optional meeting for our residents, although it would be great if you can turn
out for this meeting as well!
Previously, at our request, and in light of the “special”
treatment that Minto was receiving with their own special land use round, the
County had agreed to hold the “public hearings” in the evening and at the Vista
Center (on Jog Road just north of Okeechobee Boulevard). This would make it less of a burden on
working residents, and provide a shorter driving distance. A month later, at a Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) meeting, our elected officials decided it would be too
inconvenient for them to convenience our Community. One Commissioner who represents residents in
south county, went so far as to say her residents wouldn’t come to the meeting
if it were held in the evening???
At the text initiation hearings mentioned below, we would
like to have as many of our residents as possible show up and yet once again
request evening meetings at the Vista Center for the public hearings on this
project. If you cannot attend, an email
to the County Commissioners making this request would be appreciated!
Email as follows:
Steve Abrams - sabrams@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2204
Priscilla Taylor - ptaylor@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2207
Shelley Vana - svana@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2203
Paulette Burdick - pburdick@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2202
Jess Santamaria - JSantama@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-6300
Mary Lou Berger - MBerger@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2205
Hal Valeche - hvaleche@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2201
With a copy to SGregor1@pbcgov.org
(Please also send a copy to loxalerts@yahoo.com, so we can point out
how many have made the request!)
Here is the most recent update as of December 18, 2013:
This email is being
sent to the Planning Commission (PLC), County staff receiving PLC email
notifications, and to persons who have expressed an interest in the site known
as Minto West.
The schedule for
public hearings related to Minto West's request for the initiation of a
text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan has been updated and is as
Planning Commission Text Initiation: Friday, February 14, 2014, 9:00 a.m., Planning, Zoning and
Building Department, 1st Floor, Room 1W-47, 2300 North
Jog Road, West Palm Beach, FL.
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Text Initiation: Thursday, March 27, 2014, 9:30 a.m., 6th Floor Chambers,
301 North Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL.
For more information,
please see the County's Minto West web page:
If you have any
questions, please contact myself or project manager Bryan Davis (561-233-5308)
Stephanie Gregory
Planner, Long Range
Palm Beach County
Planning Division
2300 N Jog Road, 2nd
West Palm Beach, FL
(561) 233-5388 Direct
Newly created petition.
Please download and get signatures.
see sidebar, top ----------->
November 22, 2013
Recent email correspondence by Lisa Amara of the Palm Beach County Planning Division sent on November 20, 2013:
October 2013
October 15, 2013
Situated in the heart of our Acreage/Loxahatchee community, rests a 3,800 acre (plus or minus) citrus grove known as Callery Judge Grove. Having a land use of rural residential, one unit per 10 acres (or 380 +/- total residential units), the prior owners of Callery Judge unsuccessfully attempted on several occasions to plan large scale developments on the property.
In 2006, Callery successfully gained from the Florida
legislature and the Governor a new law which allowed the creation of an
“agricultural enclave”. Simply stated, the new law allowed an
agricultural property which was surrounded by development on three of its sides
to seek development consistent with that located on its perimeter/surrounding
In 2008, using the agricultural enclave law, Callery Judge
Grove applied for and received an agricultural enclave designation from Palm
Beach County. While the property
remains in the “rural tier”, the change entitled the property to a density of
2,996 residential units and 235,000 square feet of non-residential use. The new density represented an increase of
property development rights of some 780% over the original allowed 380 residential units (+/-). This new density and intensity was “allegedly”
based on the density and intensity surrounding the property on three of its
New unified land use development code was created for the
agricultural enclave and added to the Palm Beach County ULDC (Unified Land Development Code). Subsequently, Callery Judge Grove claimed
that its property was being foreclosed on, and that they had filed for
bankruptcy protection.
During the late summer months of 2013, developer Minto Homes
began making the political circuit rounds, setting up private meetings with
elected officials and “leaders”, attempting to solicit support for a
development project on Callery Judge.
They refused to state in a public forum what their intention was for the
property. In late September 2013, Minto
closed on their purchase of the grove for the stated sum of $51 million.
Within days, of their acquisition of the property, Minto
filed an application with Palm Beach County stating that they were seeking an
amendment to the Agricultural Enclave land use designation granted to Callery
Judge in 2008, for a new development known as “Minto West”. Unhappy with the already approved 780% increase in density on
the property, Minto states that they
wish a 1,711% increase
over the original land use, by seeking 6,500 residential units consisting of zero lot line homes,
townhomes and apartments. In addition, they are seeking 1.4 million square feet of
non-residential industrial, aerospace manufacturing, research, retail (to get a
visual on how much 1.4 million is, think about the 1 million square feet or so
representing the Wellington Green Mall!) plus a
3,000 student university, plus a spring
training baseball facility, plus a
hotel/motel, plus unstated recreational facilities.
The first hearing on this development is Minto’s application
for special treatment. This is scheduled
for October 28, 2013, at 9:30 a.m., before the Palm Beach County Board of
County Commissioners, 301 North Olive Avenue, 6th Floor Commission
Chambers, and West Palm Beach, Florida.
Their request is for the addition of a “special land use round” in the spring
of 2014, just for this developer.
Otherwise, the project would likely be scheduled for Round 2 Land Use
applications for the year 2014, and held in the late summer. Our first action is to oppose this special
The best manner of opposition is to show up at commission meetings, and let our County Commission know how you feel in
person! Yes, it might involve losing a
half day of work, but this is our “home” and our “way of life” and it is being
If you absolutely cannot attend, you can send
an email to our County Commissioners as follows:
Steve Abrams - sabrams@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2204
Priscilla Taylor - ptaylor@pbcgov.org
- (561) 355-2207
Shelley Vana - svana@pbcgov.org
- (561) 355-2203
Paulette Burdick - pburdick@pbcgov.org
- (561) 355-2202
Jess Santamaria - JSantama@pbcgov.org
- (561) 355-6300
Mary Lou Berger - MBerger@pbcgov.org
- (561) 355-2205
Hal Valeche - hvaleche@pbcgov.org
- (561) 355-2201
Send a copy to Maria Bello of Palm Beach County Planning
Division MBELLO@pbcgov.org asking that
your email be made a part of the record.
If you would rather send a real US Postal System letter, you
can address your mail to each commissioner and mail it to:
301 North Olive Avenue, 12th Floor, West Palm
Beach, FL 33401
September 2013
September 2013
Thank you for visiting our website.
Loxahatchee and Acreage
residents are a very diverse group. Our residents come from all different backgrounds,
some of us born and raised here, others relocating from all different areas.
There are many different reasons we have chosen to move out here to the
"Western Communities" of Palm Beach County. Maybe you wanted to live
on a small farm? Or a safe place to raise your family. Maybe you got tired of
the "Urban Sprawl" and the traffic. Whatever brought us out here, we
all enjoy the same benefits.
- Fresh air
- Peace and quiet
- Dark nights and starry skies
- Freedom from HOA restrictions
- A "country" lifestyle
Whether or not you moved out here with the assumption that
development would follow, the County has designated zoning and land use codes
to ensure that people or corporations restrict the use of the land to within
certain guidelines. This is why we have a pig farm behind Publix and not skyscrapers.
Recently, there have been several developments regarding the sale
of land for development and, while developers are entitled to build on their
land, they are still required to adhere to the land use and zoning restrictions set in place
by the County.
As you will read, what the land use is designated for and
what Minto, the new owner and developer of the former Callery Judge Groves, is
proposing is staggering. Minto would like for you to believe that they are
planning "a vibrant and sustainable community that integrates with the
rural character of the western communities".
Minto feels that this is what integrates with the
"rural character" of our community:
- 6,500 Residential Units, including Zero Lot Line, and Apartments
- 200,000 square feet for Office Space
- 200,000 square feet for Light Industrial/Manufacturing Space
- 500,000 square feet of space for Aerospace and Technology Research and Development
- 500,000 square feet of Retail
- 3,000 student University
- 150 room Hotel
- Spring Training Baseball Complex
We will be continuously updating the
web-site to provide enough facts for you to determine for yourself if this is
what you feel belongs in our community.
Please read about Minto's plan and what it means to our community
and our lifestyle. Note the detrimental effects it will have on our water supply,
drainage, environment, traffic, and overall quality of life.
If this is not what you want in your community, please read
about how you can help us.
Read More about Minto and Callery Judge Groves.
Read More about Minto and Callery Judge Groves.